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That player may simply call with the money in front of him and a side pot is created for any remaining players. If his hand prevails, the player who is “all-in” can win only the money he called in the main pot, and the best hand among those remaining wins the side pot. (The same mechanics apply to limit games when a player is all-in.) Notwithstanding the great variety of poker games — high games and low games, stud games and draw games, limit games and no-limit games — there is an inner logic that runs through all of them, and there are general precepts, concepts, and theories that apply to all of them.


However experienced a player may be with the rules and methods of a specific game, like, say, five-card draw, only by understanding and applying the underlying concepts of poker can he move confidently to the expert level. The principles of such stratagems as the semi-bluff (Chapter Eleven) and slowplaying (Chapter Fifteen) are essentially the same in limit five-card draw poker as in no-limit hold ’em poker, and they are equally important.


To say a poker player is out to make money does not necessarily mean he is out to win pots. Of course, you can’t win money without winning pots, but attempting to win every pot or too many pots is a losing proposition. If you win $100 in one pot but lose $ 120 trying to win four others, you have a net loss of $20.



